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Fish4 Dogs Dental Sea Jerky Fish Twists100g


Fish4 Dogs Dental Sea Jerky Fish Twists100g

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Dogs love these tasty, delicious treats!

100% fish skin dog treats these natural low calorie titbits have a rough texture which not only help remove tartar from your dog’s teeth but have a taste dogs adore.

Sea Jerky Fish Twists are fish chews made from twisted pieces of fish skin that can be held in the paws, they contain no additives or preservatives and are rich in Omega 3 fish oil.

Sea Jerky Fish Twists are part of our Dental range. The Dental category contains treats that can help support dog’s dental health. Crunchy, abrasive and lower in calorie that our other treats.

Sea Jerky Fish Twists are a natural product and by nature may vary in size. Current stock is 130mm long by 25mm wide and 14mm deep.&edsp;

Fish4Dogs food and treats, particularly our Sea Jerky treats, are a great tool to help keep your dog’s teeth and gums healthy.

Gum disease occurs five times more often in dogs than in people, this is down to a lack of brushing and the fact that dogs’ mouths are more alkaline which promotes the formation of plaque.

Chewing is a good way to promote healthy dental care.&edsp;&edsp;Our Sea Jerky is made of 100% dried fish skins which means they are super low in calories, the rough texture is perfect for removing tartar from teeth and they are really tasty, so your dog will love looking after their teeth.&edsp;

The most common cause of gum disease in dogs is bacteria.

When you dog eats, the food, his saliva and bacteria all combine to form plaque, which coats your dog’s teeth. Luckily, plaque is soft and so more easily removed by brushing or chewing.

The body’s immune system tries to fight the bacteria in the plaque and the result is red, inflamed gums and if left for too long it can harden and become tartar. If tartar is left to build up, it can lead to gingivitis which if left untreated can cause periodontitis. This can bring abscess formation, loss of teeth and severe infections.&edsp;&edsp;These infections can enter the blood stream and cause problems in the heart, lungs and kidneys.&edsp;

SKU 018336:049339


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