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D & D Marine Salt 23kg Bucket


D & D Marine Salt 23kg Bucket

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The H2Ocean pro formula aquarium salts have a strong reputation for quality and consistent parameters, which have been producing fantastic results for reef hobbyists around the world for many years.

There are now 2 versions of this popular reef salt and both formulations are manufactured by a solar evaporative process, which creates a totally natural base salt where all of the main and trace elements are in complete balance as nature intended.

The pure natural salt is then specially enhanced for aquarium use by elevating specific elements that over time become depleted, such as calcium and magnesium which are used by corals and coralline algae for growth.

In nature there is a natural balance between the calcium, alkalinity and magnesium levels. Many salts are found to be either unnaturally high in calcium or high in alkalinity and therefore with these salts either extra buffer or extra calcium is required to be added to return the natural balance.

With H2Ocean reef salt the calcium and alkalinity are in the correct ratios keeping the ionic balance in equilibrium with natural levels which is so important for healthy coral growth.

SKU 033516:040940


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